I've been just dying to use these cute Halloween sprinkles I've had for so long. It was so rainy and yucky out yesterday I pulled them out and decided it was high time to bake some cookies!
That I updated my blog :) Today we went on a field trip to Greenbluff with Sammy's preschool. Very fun and a bit chilly! We got an apple, some cider and a somewhat squishy pumpkin. Here are some pics...
AND Katie joined cross country...
Whew! That was a lot of updating. See you in a couple of months :)
Can you guess what we did today? I know it's hard to tell by my very clever titles :) I can be tricky. One of our favorite things to pick at Greenbluff is apples. Mostly because they are big, easy to grab and low so the kids can reach them. Here we are...
Cute obligatory picture under the apple tree :)
I'm not sure what he saw, but he looks a little worried doesn't he?
This was the favorite photo worthy apple. I'm not sure what made it special, but here it is! If you take a look at Sammy there in the background.....that is him pushing the apples down as hard as he can to make room for more. Don't I have a thoughtful boy? (I'm pretty sure they all survived :) )
This one is just because I really liked this picture of Katie :)
Sammy demonstrating the "proper" technique for picking an apple
Look at this....I've made soap. MADE SOAP! I can't remember what posessed me to do this, but I'll admit it was kinda fun :) If I did this, then what's next? Matching denim jumpers for the kids? Home made yogurt? Oh wait, we did that too! The yogurt, not the jumpers! I've gone mad and I love it. Home made soap anyone?
Last night at dinner, we asked Sammy if we should give him a buzz cut. He thought for a moment and replied, "What kind of bugs? Bumble bees or ants?" Anyway, here's what happened...
Here is the before picture. BTW, it's ice cream sandwich all over his face. We thought it might be nice for all the hair to have something to stick to :)
So far so good
Here is the finished product. You handsome devil you! I kind of miss his hair, but this will be OK for awhile too :)
The frog that is. Tonight Loren and I were watching a movie and out of nowhere a frog jumped right on my computer screen. I'm not normally scared of a little tree frog, but we were INDSIDE and in the dark...quite shocking. Needless to say my laptop flew from my lap and I was out the door in about a second. Loren had a good chuckle and we decided to save him for the kids to see in the morning. I'm sure they'll want to keep him... I hope he doesn't have a family.....hmmm
It all started with Sammy getting a new backpack from REI. So then we HAD to go someplace so he could try it out. It wasn't quite warm enough for the lake, so last Saturday we headed up to Mt. Spokane and it was lot's of fun! We even (almost) made it the whole time without anyone crying! Sam had a little spill at the end and Katie fell out of the car onto her head (long story). But fun was had by all and I think we'll go back sometime. The view is really amazing and I had forgotten what a beautiful drive it is.
Sammy was a little nervous about the view below...perhaps because I had just told him not to fall off :)
Feeling a little bit more comfortable
Snow?!?? Not too sure what to think of that...
Ahhh sunshine! It was 50 degrees up there :)
Sammy's favorite part of the day...snack time!!
I threw this one in because lately we have this face in every one of our "photo shoots." Silly girl :) It makes me smile every time!
WOW! Please excuse us, we've been a little busy. I don't know how it happened, but I've suddenly become the mother of children who DO things and need to BE places. What happened to my days of reading books all morning and thinking going to Target or the grocery store was a big outing?? Here is a little of what we have been up to the last couple of months...
Katie had a birthday. Happy birthday sweetie!! How did 6 sneek up on me so fast anyway?
We have a new gardner, her name is Lily. She's in charge of all the digging. Cuteness is the only thing that keeps her around :)
Sammy's school bike-a-thon. He rode the ENTIRE hour and a half. Katie got to join in on the fun too!
POOL'S OPEN!!! And Grandpa keeps it heated very warm for us, thanks Grandpa!
Hot weather in May means only 1 thing for us...the lake!!
Yes...we went IN!
Our bathing beauty :)
Katie's class field trip to Finch Arboretum
Sammy's Spring program at school..
A new kitchen project...lots of sanding. Sanding, LOT'S of it....Did I mention there was some sanding?
Sammy's school field trip across the parking lot to the nursery :)
Katie's school program..
The bowl and pitcher..
Last day of Kindergarten!! Boo Hoo and hooray!
Last chance on the monkey bars as a Kindergartener :)