Thursday, February 26, 2009

It's Official.....

Katie has a loose tooth! That was going to be the title for my post last night until it got too late and I went to bed. Today, the title changed to.....

It's Official......Katie lost her first tooth!!!

Here is the picture from last night when we first discovered she had a slightly, hardly noticeable loose tooth

A mere 18 hours later and here is what we have, or don't have I should say...

Can you believe that? It all happened so fast I'm still in shock. I guess I wasn't very prepared to have Katie losing teeth yet! I was completely unaware of the the apparent, yet surprising attatchment I had to the tooth. I know that sounds weird and I'm OK now, really.
Uncle Roland was the kind person who happily pulled out the tooth and it was quite quick and relatively painless, so I hear. I witnessed the whole thing. Katie took it better than me or Sammy. In fact, after we were back in the car on the way home Sammy started crying and when I asked him why he was sad he said, "Katie doesn't have anymore teeth and I don't want Uncle Roland to yank all my teeth out!!" He was consoled and will be happy to have Uncle Roland pull his teeth out when the time comes. That is if Uncle Roland is still a willing participant :) Anyway, it was very exciting and the tooth fairy has paid a visit to Katie and you just can't believe you have read so much about 1 child losing a tooth in your life (if anyone is still reading at this point).

Saturday, February 21, 2009


We have sunshine today! It is so beautiful and sunny we just HAD to get the bikes out!

Then we decided it was so nice, we had to go for a walk...

A boy and his dog..

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy President's Day!

For those of you who think I'm patriotic, I'm just excited to have the kids home today for some fun :) So instead of honoring our President (sorry Obama) we just had fun today!
Our first stop, of course, was here...

The kids enjoying a very special treat...

Then, (we're such nerds) we head to the library to find some books!

Last but not least, a trip to the Colbert store for some insanely cheap candy. A little background, the Colbert store is some run down store that I used to go to as a kid and buy candy. If you go in and "granny" is there, you will feel as if you've personally smoked an entire pack of kidding. But the kids can each walk away with a bag full of candy for about $1 each! It's an experience :)


Happy President's Day!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Fun!

This afternoon was our Valentine's cookie decorating "party" at home. You might think we would be tired of cookies by now. Why you may ask? Yesterday was Sammy's preschool Valentine's party where there were heart shaped cookies to frost...

Also yesterday Katie's Kindergarten class celebrated their 100th day of school with some cool "100" cookies...

Today was Katie's class Valentine's party with, yup, you guessed it! More heart shaped cookies to frost!

So of course when we got home today, what do you think we wanted to do? Frost MORE cookies! (You would think this would get old for all of us....NOT!!)

Of course you must ALWAYS sample just to make sure it is edible :)

Sammy sits back and relaxes after a job well done..

Chica quickly smells the cookies and comes shamelessly begging for one

Katie, feeling sorry for our poor, starving Dog, eagerly shares

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Time for a new post huh?

As you can tell from my extremely long hiatus from blogging, not much has been happening around here. Not much except waiting and longing for Spring to come and trying not to go crazy in the meantime!
One new and not too exciting thing is that Katie made it past the beginning phase of pierced ears with no infections and she now has the freedom to change her earrings whenever her little heart desires.....or whenever I feel like changing them!
Sammy has reached a new milestone and no longer even says goodbye to me when I leave him at school :( I'm trying to remind myself this is a good thing!
Until something new and or exciting comes along, I'm going to post some warm weather pics and try to remember life OUTSIDE the house!