Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sigmund...two weeks old

He's home!!! Sigmund finally came home on Friday! It was a very fun day of meeting family members and he enjoyed every minute :)

Here he is meeting Grandma great

And Grandma Marilyn

And at long last, here are all three of them! In the hospital, Katie and Sammy only saw him once through the window.

This one is just for fun. This is Sigmund's Halloween costume. I think it's a penguin.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sigmund...1 week old

I think this has to have been the fastest and slowest week of my life! On one hand I can't believe it has already been a week since Sigmund was born. On the other hand it feels like an eternity has passed with him still being in the hospital and all of us being at home.
He is doing great and is perfectly healthy. We are so thankful for that and know that God's hand has been in this circumstance from the very beginning. We also know that He continues to be in complete control over every moment of this trial.
Here are a couple of pictures from today. Sigmund looks healthier every day and I love seeing his little smiles when he sleeps!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


It's a boy! Those were the words my dear husband exclaimed to me at 7:51 Sunday evening. On 10-10-10, Sigmund Loren joined our family after what seemed to be the longest 35 weeks of my life! He weighed in at 5 lbs. 9 oz. and measured 18" long.

Because he was born a month early, he has to stay in the NICU for a little while. He breathes on his own, keeps up his temperature and eats on his own. He is just so sleepy he can't always stay awake for an entire feeding so then they need to feed him the rest through a tube. When he can stay awake and eat the whole feeding for 2 days, then he can come home with us!