Tuesday, October 12, 2010


It's a boy! Those were the words my dear husband exclaimed to me at 7:51 Sunday evening. On 10-10-10, Sigmund Loren joined our family after what seemed to be the longest 35 weeks of my life! He weighed in at 5 lbs. 9 oz. and measured 18" long.

Because he was born a month early, he has to stay in the NICU for a little while. He breathes on his own, keeps up his temperature and eats on his own. He is just so sleepy he can't always stay awake for an entire feeding so then they need to feed him the rest through a tube. When he can stay awake and eat the whole feeding for 2 days, then he can come home with us!


The Keevy Family said...

He is beautiful! Congratulations to you all!


Chunny and Me said...

Congratulation, Erica!! I know how you feel after the long wait...such a relief to have it all over and your sweet bundle safely in your arms! Hope you can bring him home soon! Love you.