Monday, October 20, 2008

I love my sink

Tonight my kitchen sink backed about 10:00....with a sink full of dishes....and houseguests....I think I may be sick. We thought it was the disposal at first. Then Loren realized the pipe was clogged. He couldn't find the snake "thing" that is supposed to unplug anything you can possibly imagine. SO he came up with an alternative. His newest theory is that my washing machine sucked up a sock (which it has been known to do) and plugged EVERYTHING up. So lets all be appreciative of our working kitchen sinks, cause I could really use one right now :)
I'm really missing it. That is a sad statement I know, but oh the joys of life when Loren gets it working again! Here are a few photos for your enjoyment...

The non-problem causing disposal.

Dirty dishes

I'll let you know how it turns out!!

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